All The More Reason

Knowing the rules of the game
January 20, 2007, 11:07 pm
Filed under: Language, Uncategorized

This is Squarepusher. On his page one can read his philosophy. Here’s the opening line.

“I, Squarepusher, hold the view that the influence of the structural aspect of music making is in general underestimated. By structural aspect, I refer to the machinery of music making eg: acoustic and electric instruments, computers, electronic processing devices etc.”

In other words, the way in which electronic music, and music in general, is made has a far greater influence on the end result and its artists than people normally take for granted. For example, electronic music has gone from the use of physical synthesizers and digital tape to nowadays almost everything being done within the confines of a computer.

Extending this analogy, clearly the discussion of politics has also gone through a similar change with the emergence of the blogosphere. I’m sure that many a piece has been written on the changes to politics that have arrived due to this change. One wonders what changes the blogosphere has had on the individuals who participate in it, who perhaps in the past worked more with a real printing press and real ink.

Jonathan Smith